What attracts you into buying a magazine?

Friday 30 April 2010


I think that my presentation went good, however I missed out some key points while presenting my evaluation. I had the information, but wasnt able to say it, otherwise I think it went fine.

Thursday 29 April 2010

My Iconography

Test Shots

I took a variety of shots for my magazine. I got my model to pose in different poses. The top line are other shots that I took for the magazine and the bottom line are the shots that I actually decided to use for my final. I chose these shots as they protrayed my Hip Hop genre the best. The model has a straight, serious face and he hands are positioned in a way that is commonly seen in Hip Hop magazines. The model is wearing hoody, big earrings and a big silver chain, which are again a common convention used.

Wednesday 28 April 2010

Picture for Interview Page

I used this picture for my final contents page as I needed 4 different photos and did not have four. I chose this photo as it again best represented my Hip Hop music genre, by the way she is sitting and her hands and positioned.

Monday 26 April 2010

Final Name For Magazine

After playing around with many different names and experimenting, I chose the name " Un-Wiind" for the final name for my magzine. I had a lot of choices that I could choose from, however I thought Un-Wiind best represented my Hip Hop genre and would attract to my target audience. I first wrote the name as "Unwind" however, later on changed it to " Un-Wiind." I added the dash and the two i's, as I thought it created a different effect to the title, make it recognisable and to create it's own identity.

Possible Magazine Names

These were possible names for my music magazine that I came up with as they best suited my music genre :

  • Un-wiind
  • Vibes
  • Pulse
  • Ease
  • Upbeat
  • OnBeat
  • Rythmatic
  • FWD
  • Replay

I annotated other coventions that famous magazines had used to find out what were the most popular types of things included and also helped me in my reseach in order to be able to produce a successful magazine.

This is the analysis of my contents page. It shows what magazine coventions I have used in my final contents page.

Interview Page Analysis

I analysed the interview page, to see what kind of magazine conventions I had for my final magazine and would the finish product appeal to the target audience.

Sunday 25 April 2010

Planning My Interview

1) What inspired you to join the music scene?
2) How do you feel now after joining the music scene?
3) How did you first find out that becoming a singer was the right path for you?
4) What were you first steps after becoming a singer?
5) How has the response been after becoming a singer?
6) What has your life been like after becoming a singer?
7) Tell us about your new upcoming album?
8) How did your decide on the sorts of tracks you wanted featured on your album?
9) What are you planning on doing after this interview?
10) What were you doing last night?
11) Tell us and interesting fact about yourself that no-one else knows.
12) How do you advertise your music and album
13) What is your ultimate goal with your music career?

Analysing Final Front Cover

I analysed my final magazine cover to see what kind of magazine conventions I had used for my magazine.

Masthead Designs

I researched the different kinds of mastheads for exisiting popular magazines. Some were from Hip Hop magazines and others were from various genres. This gave me an idea on how to design my masthead that would be attracting and would stand out. I needed to make my masthead different to the others for it to be appealing, otherwise it would look the same as the other magazines and would not have its own identity. By doing this I realised that using the colour red for my masthead would not be a good choice, as a lot of other magazines had used red as their main colour for the heading.

I took many shots using different camera angles, to experiment with the various shots that I could use and produce to use for my magazine and that would attract my target audience. Out of many pictures I took, I thought that these two shots would be most appropriate for my gebre of magazine, in order to create the Hip Hop effect.

This was my rough sketch on how I wanted my contents page to look like. I used this design to create my final contents page. It gave me an idea on how my finished page would look and whether it was portraying a magazine convention or not.

Saturday 24 April 2010

masthead designs

In order to be able to choose the right kind of style and font for my masthead, I created the title of my magazine "Un-Wiind" in various different fonts, which would help to represent the name and reflect the Hip Hop / Rap theme, to attract my target audience.

Monday 19 April 2010

Questionnaire..Target Audience Research

I designed a questionnaire in order to help me create my magazine. I asked 10 people from my target audience (13-21 year olds) different questions which I thought would be useful to me. It would allow me to get an idea of the things that most appealed to my target audience and would want them to buy my magazine over others. The questions included "how much they were willing to spend on magazine" and "what draws them into buying a magazine." I was therefore able to construct a reader profile by using the information obtained by constructing and carrying out this questionnaire.

I used this to get an idea on how I could design my front page. I found images of Hip Hop cd covers which allowed me get and understanding of what kind of things I could possibly use on the front cover and the things that are common with all sorts of Hip Hop related things.

My contents page orginally looked like this when I was constructing it and thought that the picture on the left had been repeated before on the front page and therefore should be changed. I changed the picture and the way the text was laid out.

This was what my contents page looked like before I added a few changes to it, as I thought that the contents page did not look right. The writing I thought was unsuitable and the strip on the side did not stand out enough to catch the readers attention, as I found out that many people buy magazines if there is a free competition included in it. Therefore I made a couple of changes, so that my contents page would look more like an contents page and would appeal more to the consumers.

This was the rough design for my contents page. It gave me an idea on how my contents page was to look after being created on the computer and where everything should be positioned to allow the best possible look.

This was a rough sketch of what I wanted my final front cover to look like. It gave me an idea of where everything should be positioned, and to create the final cover accourdingly. It also allowed me to see whether this design would be suitable or not for the cover and if any changes in the design should be made.

Wednesday 31 March 2010

Sketch For Contents Page

This was my sketch for my contents page for my magazine. I used this to get an idea of where I wanted to position the text and the images. I decided to put the images in the centre, with texts surrounding it. This was the sketch I used as my final to create the contents page.

Sketch Of Front Cover

This was a rough sketch of my front cover for my magazine. I positioned everything where I wanted it, so I would have an idea of how I wanted my front cover to look and where I needed to place everything. I used this sketch later on when I was desigining my front cover on the computer.

Contents Page Un - edited

This was the un- edited image for my contents page. There was again uneeded background which did not make the image look appealing or attractive. The picture was again dark and needed light to be added to make the picture stand out. The model has been positioned in a Hip Hop style where she has made a gun with her hand and has got her other hand on her hood.

Image contents page edited

This is the final image for my contents page. I used Photoshop and Picasa to create this effect. I cropped out any unwanted background and filled more light into the photo. I then combined a picture of shattered glass with the picture of my artist.

Image for contents page un - edited

This was another image that I took for my contents page. I positioned the artist so she displayed a Hip Hop look. She was wearing a hoody with a leather jacket which is usually seen being worn by Hip Hop artists. The hands were positioned to help create this look alongside the facial expressions. The picture however, needed light to be added and some sort of effect to make the photo less dull and for it to stand out and be eye-catching.

Front Page Image Un – edited

This was the original image I took for the main picture of my magazine . I also used this image for my contents page. They image needed to be cropped and needed more light as unecessary background was showing and the attention was being diverted away from the artist. I used photoshop to create an edited version.

Moodboard Front Cover

I got images of front cover from Hip Hop / Rap magazines in order to get an idea of how these sorts of magazines are laid out and how I should lay out mine. It allowed me to get a rough idea on how to lay my front cover out and it helped me understand what my target audience like to see on the front page and what attracts them into buying the magazine. I was able to decide on where and how I wanted my image to be located and the texts.

Wednesday 24 March 2010

Reader Profile

Reader Profile

  • For 13 -21 year old students who display a large interest in music, especially hip hop and Rap genre.
  • Part time workers and part time students or in full time education
  • Has knowledge on the latest magazine
  • Buys music magazines on a regular basis to keep them updated
  • Up to date with the latest technology associated to music e.g. Ipods
  • Uses sites such as Youtube, Imeem and Itunes
  • Spends about 3-4 hours a week on music
  • Consumes about 6 hours or more listening to music
  • Interested in the artists and their lives along with the other upcoming music and events

I took this picture for my interview page with my upcoming star Alisha. Since I was doing a Hip Hop magazine, I had to get the right pose from my model in order for it to look like a Hip Hop magazine. I tried different poses , from various camera angles and finally established this as one of my final images. The model has a very strong pose with a straight face and has a "not bothered" look. The hands are positioned in a way to create an hip hop look.

Tuesday 2 March 2010

This is the reader profile for Top Of The Pops magazine.

Tuesday 23 February 2010

Reader Profile For Smokin Aces

This was the reader profile for the film advert of the film Smokin Aces that I made after researching the film and the type of magazine that it had been published in.

Monday 22 February 2010


NME Magazine Analysis

I analysed 2 NME magazines and 2 RWD magazines in order to become more aware of the common magazine conventions. I was able to see clearly the simlarities and the differences between the two different magazines and how different genres and styles represent and portray themselves. I also became aware of the common magazine conventions that had been used in all 4 of the magazine and was able to work out why certain things had been placed where and to create what effect. This helped me in designing my magazine as it allowed be to become aware of the necessary things that I should include in my magazine and how I could make it appeal to my audience as much as possible.

Friday 12 February 2010

Comparing Magazine Covers Of NME And RWD

I compared the magazine covers of two magazines NME and RWD. I was able to differentiate between the two magazines and see how they were different to each other and what siimilarities they had.