What attracts you into buying a magazine?

Wednesday 31 March 2010

Sketch For Contents Page

This was my sketch for my contents page for my magazine. I used this to get an idea of where I wanted to position the text and the images. I decided to put the images in the centre, with texts surrounding it. This was the sketch I used as my final to create the contents page.

Sketch Of Front Cover

This was a rough sketch of my front cover for my magazine. I positioned everything where I wanted it, so I would have an idea of how I wanted my front cover to look and where I needed to place everything. I used this sketch later on when I was desigining my front cover on the computer.

Contents Page Un - edited

This was the un- edited image for my contents page. There was again uneeded background which did not make the image look appealing or attractive. The picture was again dark and needed light to be added to make the picture stand out. The model has been positioned in a Hip Hop style where she has made a gun with her hand and has got her other hand on her hood.

Image contents page edited

This is the final image for my contents page. I used Photoshop and Picasa to create this effect. I cropped out any unwanted background and filled more light into the photo. I then combined a picture of shattered glass with the picture of my artist.

Image for contents page un - edited

This was another image that I took for my contents page. I positioned the artist so she displayed a Hip Hop look. She was wearing a hoody with a leather jacket which is usually seen being worn by Hip Hop artists. The hands were positioned to help create this look alongside the facial expressions. The picture however, needed light to be added and some sort of effect to make the photo less dull and for it to stand out and be eye-catching.

Front Page Image Un – edited

This was the original image I took for the main picture of my magazine . I also used this image for my contents page. They image needed to be cropped and needed more light as unecessary background was showing and the attention was being diverted away from the artist. I used photoshop to create an edited version.

Moodboard Front Cover

I got images of front cover from Hip Hop / Rap magazines in order to get an idea of how these sorts of magazines are laid out and how I should lay out mine. It allowed me to get a rough idea on how to lay my front cover out and it helped me understand what my target audience like to see on the front page and what attracts them into buying the magazine. I was able to decide on where and how I wanted my image to be located and the texts.

Wednesday 24 March 2010

Reader Profile

Reader Profile

  • For 13 -21 year old students who display a large interest in music, especially hip hop and Rap genre.
  • Part time workers and part time students or in full time education
  • Has knowledge on the latest magazine
  • Buys music magazines on a regular basis to keep them updated
  • Up to date with the latest technology associated to music e.g. Ipods
  • Uses sites such as Youtube, Imeem and Itunes
  • Spends about 3-4 hours a week on music
  • Consumes about 6 hours or more listening to music
  • Interested in the artists and their lives along with the other upcoming music and events

I took this picture for my interview page with my upcoming star Alisha. Since I was doing a Hip Hop magazine, I had to get the right pose from my model in order for it to look like a Hip Hop magazine. I tried different poses , from various camera angles and finally established this as one of my final images. The model has a very strong pose with a straight face and has a "not bothered" look. The hands are positioned in a way to create an hip hop look.

Tuesday 2 March 2010

This is the reader profile for Top Of The Pops magazine.